I'm rewriting this post after leaving it sitting on the site for a week till I found a proper half-hour block of time when I actually felt like writing.. its great how you can do that in a blog isn't it? Just put a little placeholder to say 'I did something on this date' and then fill it up whenever you want.

Right so the weekend in Dublin was organised by Courtney (blonde girl on the right photo hugging me) and Wacky (the blonde guy on other photo). I've known Courtney a while now, I guess we met when I was 14 and just arrived in Tassie fresh off-the-boat. Me and my little bro used to catch the sandy bay bus to school with Courtney and her sister Ash, the two chicks in their uniform made such a cute pair on that bus.. There was also Chris 'Wacky' who I've met before - he is another tassie friend of liam/will/emerson, Rosie - the cute english red-head friend of

Courtney's, Kath and Belinda - both Collegiate girls now living in London, and Dave and Harriet - two kiwis that joined us on this crazy weekend.
So we arrived in Dublin airport and made our way to the hotel while it was still fairly early on friday night and after sorting out accomodation (two huge rooms with lots beds) we just kinda all pop our stuff down and then head to the bar for some Guinness - after a few drinks it doesn't really matter who sleeps where right? Well. Except for Courts - "Remember Wimbledon!!".
Fast forward to Saturday morning.. hehe ... all a bit worse for wear, probably time to sort out the

bags and turn off that TV (has it been on all night on that channel?). We all staggered out around 11, and went across the river to have proper Irish breakfast at a proper pub. Coffee is not amazing but the bacon and egg make up for it. The rest of the day is spent walking around the city and doing the rounds at a few more pubs meeting the locals (I mean lets be serious - what else is there to do in Dublin?). Night had to be Temple bar, bit turisty perhaps but still the highest concentration of pubs you can find, somehow the whole city was full of south africans I think ireland was playing them in the rugby that weekend. Anyway I could go into detail about Saturday nite but it'd be a bit messy so I wont. Just that I remember waking up to some lucky chap snogging two girls (and why wasn't that me?). And then we'd all made friends in the morning. :)

Sunday Belinda hired a car and she Kath and me headed up to see the area around Dublin, we first headed north up to Howth which is a cute little town with a harbour and a sunday market, then up to Malahide Castle and down to see the coast south of Dublin.. Then meet with the guys to go have dinner at a chinese restaurant where we had some authentic DongBei food from north-east china (dumplings etc) before having a few quiet ones and getting to bed early for the flight back to work first thing in the morning.
And THATS IT! Brilliant weekend, couldnt want for anything better to get rid of the sophie blues!
More photos that Wacky and I took are on the links below.
tienes un par de amigas muy follables.
Carlos R.
what a good looking little family we are ! brilliant weekend
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