Money Matters
Money makes the world go around.. the world go around...

While I travel I´m budgetting about 30 pounds a day, not including plane tickets. Which is fine for Australia and New Zealand but its a hell of a lot of money to be spending in South America, so I just haven´t been spending very much since I arrived here. I stay mostly in hostels, which cost very little - if you can put up with the noise and the shared bathrooms then I definately recommend it - its a great way to meet other travellers and swap valuable information about where to go and what to avoid, or to have people to hang out with if you feel like company. I eat out most days (a chicken schnitzel is around 2 pounds in Argentina, a beer is 50p) and I make the occasional home cooked meal, I don´t really do much shopping because it would make my pack heavier to carry around with me, and I go out maybe 2-3 times a week but I hardly ever

I´ve heard tales of people blowing around 10 grand in Ibiza over a couple weeks of heavy partying.. that sort of thing seems silly when you can party in a place like Buenos Aires and have an amazing nite for around 15-20 squidlets, drinks included.
Cool blog. I really enjoy the way that your writing captures your unique perspective on the things that are happening around you. The pictures are also great. I hope to one day make it to Argentina myself. I wish you luck in your travels
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