Sunday, April 01, 2007

Finding a new pad

Im moving soon. Not sure where I'm moving to or what kind of place I'm after, I'm thinking of moving in with some cool flatmates so that I can have some company. Looking mostly around Clapham/Balham area in South London, I find that this is one of the best places to spend the summer as its pretty green all around. Putney is good too as you have the river nearby and there is a really nice bike-ride to Richmond park, the only thing with Putney is that its a bit further to cycle to work in the city... 20K each way.

I'm checking places mostly in Gumtree.. Everyone seems to be putting their place in there, I'd say its even more popular than the Loot, which used to be my first port of call when I first came to London. Anyway, I better stop writing and keep searching...


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Carlos Ruiz said...

Heyy Estebitan, qué tal estás? Veo que te mudas ... Espero que encuentres algo a tu gusto muy pronto.

Carlos aka Schuster (joder, que raro me suena esto)

At 4:29 PM, Blogger Carlos Ruiz said...

A ver ...

He repasado tu weblog y como se dice aquí, eres un cabronazo!!! chaval, menuda vida te estás dando. Me vas a decir que si, que vuelves a trabajar y todo eso, pero realmente es impensable hacer lo que has hecho con un sueldo español (o no? quizá dependa del tiempo que has estado ahorrando, de la gente que conozcas y te pueda dar alojamiento, de no tirar el dinero en cosas estúpidas ...)

En fin, que veo que you have a pretty good living y me alegro.



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