Last week, I set off with my brother Javi and my Mum in a cold morning to join the pilgrims on the last 100Km of the
Way to Compostela in the province of
Galicia in the North West of Spain.
We started off in Sarria a small town where we were dropped off by an overnight train from Madrid at 6.30am and started asking the locals for directions to Santiago.

Its amazing how far one can walk on foot if you do nothing else all day. Soon we left the little town and had joined the Camino Frances (French Way) the most traditional of routes for doing the Camino.
From then on we spent the following week on the road sleeping at Peregrino Hostels and eating proper food and breathing fresh air.

You meet a lot of people doing the Camino as well, both locals that are happy to stay and chat or by bumping into other pilgrims (mostly europeans) walking the road at the same time. I had an amazing time and got to see a bit more of my own country, which I have left neglected for so long because there were more exciting places to see.
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