Wednesday met up with Courtney, Rosie, Kath, Bin, Wacky and the two kiwis for the Little Britain LIVE show. This was one they were filming for the BBC so all the celebs were there, Kate Moss (pic) appearing in a shell suit along with Vicky Pollard, Russell Brand (creeps!) fixing the "I'm a laydee"s plumbing, Chris Moyles from the breakfast show having a round of the Fat Fighters routine etc, etc. I think I saw Dawn French sitting not too far from where we were.

So anyway the show was pretty good. All the usual gags and one liners from Little Britan plus a bit of improv - Matt and David taking the piss out of each other on stage ... "Dont' know why you are doing that thing with your fingers because I did actually do the channel crossing". Or even taking the piss out of each others characters: "I want that one".. "Eeh eeh eeh!".
All in all a brilliant night - Thanks Kath (and Comic Relief) for sorting out tickets!!
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