I've been giving this drawing business a try and I think I might have a bit of knack for it. Javi is doing a fair bit of it so I decided to pick up the pencil one day seeing as I had some free time while in Madrid.
The pic on the right is my friend Ignacio (Nacho), he's a dentist, one of the guys I went to junior school in spain with. We met one day for his lunchbreak and I took a pic of him which I later drew.

I never had any training before, was busy studying how to be successful and run a business when my schoolmates got their hands dirty with paint and artwork at school. I guess maybe I was picking the wrong subjects. Later on I did a fair bit of graphic design and maybe thats why its now easy to work with the pencil as my eyes are already trained to see detail and proportion.
The other pic (left) is a model from the easyjet magazine that I started drawing on the plane because I got a bit bored.

I've done a few more portraits and will keep at it, I reckon if I do about 50-60 of these I might upgrade and pick up the brush instead so I can give a try at some oil-paste business which is a lot harder than using the pencil.