On Friday there was me and my spanish friends Concha and Jose (Tapi) from EGB (junior school) plus his girlfriend Chris who were all staying at my place, heading out on a rental car on the way up north to Kings Lynn to hear Tapi play at a drum and bass gig there. After almost smashing the car to bits on the south circular trying to get out of london on a busy friday night.. and then travelling out to the arse end of nowhere we finally got to this guys place and had a cup of tea with some fig rolls before going off again

to hear Tapi mix some of his vinyl at this party with a wicked MC (and I didn't like MCs much but now after hearing this one sing I'm starting to believe that maybe they have a place in the world afterall - drum bass and breaks gigs.. cant have an MC at a trance rave it just doesnt go).. Here are some pics of the party.
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