I´ve been living mostly in the evening and night-time the last few days. Buenos Aires is way too hot during the day (35º) to spend a lot of time out and about so my days start around 2-5pm.. I eat some food after I wake up, chat to people staying at the hostal and wait for the weather to cool down before I head off..
Lets see, of the 3 places I´ve stayed at so far the one with the best nighlife options is the
Milhouse, mostly because it fits 400 souls, is almost always booked and there are

so many young people in it at any one time that there is always someone who wants to go out, someone that knows a good spot, and several others like me that are happy to tag along.
The night scene in BA is good. Very good. Music and atmosphere to cater for just about every taste and everything at incredibly low prices. Someone said today that Buenos Aires has become the number 1 world travel destination - I think this might be a bit ambitious but I wouldnt be too surprised if its getting close.

Lets see now: Last Thursday was fairly quiet, just a massive dinner and drinks for a whole bunch of people at the Milhouse. Friday I met with a group of Brazilians (pic with red background) in the Recoleta YHA and had another massive dinner and went out to Club 69, one of those places that do good gigs fairly consistently and that you have to go to when you first visit Buenos Aires. Saturday I went out with a bunch of people from the Milhouse to Opera Bay and danced til sunrise over spanking modern Puerto Madero (which reminds me a bit of the docklands area in London), while I was there I met some cool Argentinian girls (pic) and some other various people. Took a few shots of the view from the club.

Then Sunday I had an early night in, just 2am after drinking beers with the guys at the hostel. On Sunday there was this canadian guy, Robert, who competes in fencing and he was telling me about the sport, which in reality is a martial art that originated in Europe and I decided I´d see if I can take up fencing when I go back to my normal life. Sounds like the kind of thing that would be good for me to do.

Couple days later: Sam (whose arm you can see in that pic) at the Tango Backpackers made an interesting comment, why do fencing when you can do yoga?... Duh!!! Way more women take up yoga classes! Momentary brain freeze I think - some might say its not like me.. whats happened to Esteban?? Hes been replaced with mild-mannered Steven, wheres he gone?? Puto gato por liebre - nos han dado trucho!