Maybe Surfing’s not my Thing

Hmm… I think my surfing career hasn't really got off to a flying start...
I set off early this morning for a surf at Cylinder Beach with Celia and Mary, two girls staying at the local YHA. Celia’s from Norway and she’s just been for a surf course in NSW and bought her own board in Byron so she volunteered to teach us the basics.. So there I was thinking maybe, just maybe, I found my calling in life.. It was al going great, waves about 5-6 foot high and me making my first steps towards standing on the big soft-top surfboard I hired at the hostal. Its just like snowboarding only that you have to jump and land right… Until a big wave comes and I fall off and next thing I know the board’s split in half… Busted. Oh shit. 280 bucks on my credit card that I’m hoping the insurance will cover… and a similar dent on my ego. Needless to say I’ve taken the rest of the day off… Bad luck comes in waves so I better keep my head down, its been a hard morning already.
Lesson learnt, never hire a crappy foam surf board. They cant take it, get a propper fibreglass one next time - they mostly just dent..
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