Little Britain @ Apollo Hammersmith

All in all a brilliant night - Thanks Kath (and Comic Relief) for sorting out tickets!!
This is a web-log-come-diary of my adventures in the next few months... lets hope I can actually fill it up with something interesting wouldnt want to make ppl go zzzzzzz when reading it...
Was just having a look at my blog to see how the layout worked after posting and I was kind of thinking... hold on... isnt this A BIT LAME? I mean, what am I trying to do? put my life up on the web so anyone that is slightly curious can just peruse through who I am and what I do? I mean who does this Steven guy think he is anyway?
Quickie link -->>>
This is a weekend I booked to go to Geneva a couple weeks after breaking up with sophie...
Hey guys,
Right, this is my first post. Trying to start a web log for my upcoming journey this christmas so i've been looking at options and found Blogger a pretty good place to start. I was thinking of maybe building the functionality myself but I'm a bit too busy before I head off so I don't think I'll have time to write my own blog program.. and my previous attempt at a BBS (bulletin board system) on I wrote ages ago is too basic for what I need.
Its 1st November today. I'm going to uhm... a lot of places in December and January. Would give you the whole list but then that would be spoiling it... I might write some more background information about me l8r on but this is it for now.. Ok time to post.. Lets see what this looks like... ;)