Ed fell in the bushes while we were cycling yesterday. I only realised this when we were all having dinner last night at Drifters back in Yangshuo. He had a swollen finger with some sort of nasty spine stuck inside and he couldn't get it out.. so we left the Danish girls at dinner and headed over to a pharmacy to find something to give to him and then we were told to go to the hospital instead. I think Ed must have been shitting himself, I mean its only a spine but the finger looked infected and you don't really want to have any problem like that in the middle of rural china and have to chop it off because its gone nasty.

So we went up to the hospital to see a doctor who could get the spine out of his finger I was the interpreter as I was the only one who could speak chinese. Once we got to A&E at the hospital we got taken to a place with a sign saying "Handle the room" (I think this means the patient Handling Room) and he had a mini-operation with a sterile sringe and tweezers to get the spine out. The doctor wanted to put him on a drip with antibiotics and give him an injection but we managed to get away with just a course of oral antibiotics and a visit the next day to see how things were going.
Its now the next day and the finger's looking a bit better, not quite so swolen, the doctor just said to keep taking the antibiotics two more days and have a shot for tetanus but Ed's already been vaccinated so didn't need to have an injection afterall. I'm heading off back to Hong Kong tonight and I think he'll be staying a few more days with the Danish girls looking after him to see how the infection pans out.
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