And I finally arrived! Took an extra day to get my luggage in Sao Paulo (´Sampa´), but then loosing my bag meant I got to see my cute friend Juliana, a local ´Paulistana´who proved to me that even though Sampa is a big metropolis with 17 million souls in it, there are some really nice areas to go and visit. They´re just not that easily accessible unless you have a car.

And today, after a 10 hour bus ride to Florianopolis sleeping on a couch that could have beloged in first class section of an airplane, and then 1 hour trying to find this beach. I finally arrived in Barra da Lagoa to find that: yes, there is a gorgeous beach... A PRAIA E BEM LEGALE! it keeps going for tens of kilometers as far as the eye can see, and yes there is a really nice hostal on a hill called XXXXX (you really think Im going to tell!) overlooking the rain-forested bay with a little town and sea beyond. Damn its a

nice spot. That 1.50 GBP of beer getting my friend drunk really did go a long way!
I just spent the last hour or so getting to know a couple of beautiful Israeli girls, Gen and Ruth (thats what it sounded like, not so sure how to spell) while sitting around soaking some sun on the beach.. They´ve both just finished their 2 years of military service and its a tradition to go travelling for a year before they start university.. In fact there are heaps of

Israeli guys travelling all over south america.. They usually hang together in groups and rarely mix but when they do they are pretty fascinating to talk to.. they seem like people who´ve gone through some heavy shit and look at the world a different way. I probably would too if I´d just seen war first hand and then moved to paradise.
Hey there!!! Is it really snowy in Canada?? Morning here is just sunny and beautiful. Miss you...
hi steven
found your blog randomly and i enjoy reading about your adventure
i'm about to have my own... i'm going to london, paris and barcelona for 3 weeks in a couple of weeks
i know you're not drunk in a bar, but don't you wanna share a super secret about london with me ?
that'd be cool!
i promisee i'll post it as XXXX on my blog!
93 feet east has lots of good local London bands on.. Its a mix of electronica, rock, jazz etc, depending on which night...
Try a night out on wed/thu/sun (when its less busy) eating curry in Brick lane (link below, its near liverpool street), its cheap and will cost you about £10 per person then walk up to Cafe 1001 (free and has good music and hippie kind of people), then across the road to 93 feet east (this might cost you £5-10 to get in on fri/sat night).
Brick Lane Googlemap
Other than that make sure you do a walk as follows:
Waterloo station - Thames riverside - London Eye - Westminister Palace - Trafalgar square - St James Park - Buckingham
Its quite a nice short walk (2 hours) but you will ge to see the most famous landmarks of London.
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